Hey Friends!!

It’s so great to have you here! We’re Alicia & Nicole, sisters, besties & founders of Daily Glow. 

We’re bringing you wellness & fashion to level-up your self-care. From healthy living tips to everyday style, we’re passionate about sharing self-care inspiration on these topics. We believe that self-care is the key to feeling amazing, inside and out! Step into this self-nourishing era with us and let’s flourish together! 

Xoxo 💗

daily glow founders alicia and nicole

STOP putting yourself on the back burner. Make Self-Care a priority!

In the hustle of everyday life, self-care often takes a backseat. We believe that self-care should be woven into the fabric of your daily routine—a ritual that nurtures your well-being consistently

Success and Self-Care hinges on preparation and intention. Using a Weekly Self-Care Planner helps you craft your day so that it’s a reflection of what brings you joy and nourishes your mind, body, and soul.

Weekly Self Care Planner

Blood Sugar Out of Control?

If you struggle with insulin resistance, prediabetes, or type 2 diabetes, you’ve probably felt the effects of out-of-control blood sugar: erratic energy levels & mood, severe cravings, blood sugar numbers that don’t seem to improve, brain fog, and stubborn weight that doesn’t want to come off. 

Don’t worry – you don’t need extreme diets to start turning things around! With 5 simple nutrition strategies you can start to see your blood sugar numbers improve, kick those cravings to the curb, stabilize energy & mood, and shed a few pounds! Check out the Diabetes Nutrition Workshop to learn more.

The diabetes nutrition workshop