are you a stressed & exhausted entrepreneur?

If chasing your career dreams has you feeling downright exhausted and stressed, I’m glad you’re here. I know how challenging this road can be, and how transformational an intentional self-care strategy is! And I’m not talking about a strategy for epsom salt baths and massages (as amazing as those are!). I’m talking about a strategy to:

  • prioritize habits that generate energy and eliminate those that drain you
  • cultivate routines that foster joy and growth
  • implement systems for your life and business that reduce stress, eliminate confusion, and skyrocket productivity
  • learn how to cope with stress and stop the stress response in its tracks
  • recover from the effects of chronic stress on body and mind
  • optimize sleep so you have the energy and sharp focus you need to be on your game
  • nourish your body so you have stable energy
  • cultivate a growth mindset
  • move your body in a balanced way that feels good

Wellness Coaching for Entrepreneurs

I offer 1-on-1 Wellness Coaching for Entrepreneurs to help you create a self-care strategy that will cultivate work-life BALANCE!

Book a complimentary 30 minute zoom call to see if working together aligns with your needs & goals. Click the link below and let’s get you back on the road to feeling great and enjoying your life!

What Your Coaching Program Includes:

I offer an 8 Week Wellness Coaching Program for Entrepreneurs that is a culmination of my 19 years of education and experience in the field of wellness and as an entrepreneur myself. I know these struggles deeply and my own burnout from trying to keep up with all-the-things while ignoring my own needs is what inspired me to help you with a self-care strategy for cultivating work-life balance. Here’s what you get in our 8 weeks together:

  • Six one hour coaching calls
  • Guidance through 8 Modules that Cultivate Work-Life Balance
    • Goals & Organization
    • Habits, Routines & Mindset
    • Stress
    • Productivity & Work Strategy
    • Sleep Optimization
    • Nutrition
    • Self-Care & Work-Life Balance
    • Movement & Moving Forward
  • Guided meditations to support the material for each module
  • Messaging Support through WhatsApp
  • Resources to support you and enhance your results
  • Free Enrollment in a relaxing, restorative work-life balance Virtual Retreat for entrepreneurs this fall

If you’re ready to get organized, start feeling better, and start living a lifestyle that supports you rather than overwhelms you, book a free call so we can chat and see if this coaching program aligns with your needs and goals! Click the button to schedule now!